Sunday, July 29, 2012

Free Kindle Book!

There's a special going on over at The Red's page on Amazon.  For the rest of they day, you can download the book to your kindle device for free.  That's right - por gratis.

Amazon doesn't allow many of these promotions to run, and to be honest, I'm not sure how much of a fan I am of the free promotion.  I like the idea of getting my work to as many people as possible, I just see the risk of devaluing what I've put a lot of time and effort into - and that concerns me.  The regular Kindle price is only like $3.00, which is pretty dang low. 

Still, I want people to read what I've written if they feel inclined to do so.  At a price of $0.00, there's really nothing to lose from giving it a shot if you feel like it's your cup of tea.  If you want to take advantage of the promotion, I welcome you to.  Please understand that it's for a very limited time, though.  After you've read the book, feel free to leave some constructive feedback for other readers.  I hope you enjoy reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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